Future Community: Reflecting on the Experience

The Gung Ho Future Community allows for the next generation of talent to gain valuable industry experience, exposure to the opportunities that exist and support and guidance from those on the inside. On the other hand, it allows mentors to share their wealth of knowledge and experiences, build genuine connections and develop their own skills through the process of mentoring.

Here our Senior Partnerships & Community Manager, Meg, and her mentee Lauryn share their experience of our mentorship programme.

Meg, how have you found the experience being a mentor as part of Gung Ho Future Community?

I've loved being a mentor as part of the Gung Ho Future Community. The opportunity to be connected with someone as naturally curious and engaged as Lauryn has been a pleasure - and I've enjoyed being able to give her an insight into the world of PR and Influencer, as well as tips and tricks for industry job applications. Beyond that, being able to offer Lauryn tangible experience for her CV - from developing influencer shortlists, to attending Gung Ho brand events and being accepted onto our 8-week intern programme - has made the whole experience feel so worthwhile.

Lauryn, what different skills have you learned during your time being involved with Gung Ho Future Community?

I have learnt so many new things since starting my internship, stuff they don’t teach you at university! From the basics such as admin, to how to work and follow the systems they have in place, working with and gifting influencers and to how Gung Ho work with their clients and achieve their targets. Everything I have learned has added to my experience and will be so valuable for future jobs.

Meg, what made you want to become a mentor as part of the programme?

I feel fortunate to be genuinely passionate about working in the influencer industry, an industry that was in its infancy when I first graduated. Consequently, I was motivated at the prospect of being able to support a recent grad's journey into the very same industry and hoped that my experiences, advice and even personal network might be valuable to them.

Lauryn, do you feel the mentorship has helped you determine your future career goals and aspirations?

100%. During university I knew I wanted to go into marketing but had no idea what segment I wanted to go into. With Meg’s help and guidance, I was able to get a broader understanding of different job roles and what they entail. In the end, after seeing what Meg’s job included, I decided influencer marketing, events or PR is for me — basically anything creative!

Meg, what is the most valuable piece of advice you’ve shared with your mentee Lauryn?

As simple as it sounds - that a positive, can-do attitude goes the longest way. At entry level no-one is expecting you to have all the answers or all the experience - but if you can demonstrate that you're not only willing, but excited to get involved in all sorts of tasks and opportunities - you can make yourself a memorable and invaluable asset in any team!

Finally, Lauryn, what have you enjoyed the most about the mentorship?

I have enjoyed so many things about having a mentor, but building a friendship with Meg and having someone to look up to in the industry you want to work in has been amazing. Having someone who genuinely cares about helping you get experience and understand the industry more. She has been beyond helpful both during university and after it, and I am so grateful for all her advice.