
The idea for Hypercycle, came about following discussions around a growing feeling of chaos when tracking and identifying relevant trends. Fuelled by a continuous churn of ‘microtrends’,  these short-term moments often living solely on social media have made it increasingly difficult to predict what is fleeting and what is here to stay. As such, our 2024 report presented itself as a fitting opportunity to explore how we arrived where we are, and how to make the best possible decisions both as brands and consumers.

Hypercycle, a term used by Geraldine Wharry as early as 2021, is therefore a handbook, not a forecast and a document designed as an aid in navigating our hyped-up world.  Of course, trends will remain relevant, and will continue to impact the direction of fashion and society; however, in their current form it is becoming near impossible for the average consumer to delve into something before it becomes irrelevant or drowned out. Providing a moment of pause, Hypercycle contains insights from leading voices in the space and is a timely opportunity to assess, un-confuse and reignite the need to nurture true originality and authenticity.




Spheres, Stories and the Future of Experiential Activations.